6.3.4 Gebrannte Creme

Time in fridge/freezer: 2 h
Time to actively work on it: 30 min


Ingredient Preparation
4 tbsp sugar
1.5 tbsp water
lemon juice
450ml milk
1 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp corn flour
1 egg
200ml cream whipped


  1. Put ingredients for the caramel in a pan and bring to boil without stirring until brown. Take of pan and let cool.
  2. Put 200 mL milk in the pan with the caramel.
  3. Cook with small heat until caramel is dissolved.
  4. Mix the remaining ingredients without the whipped cream and add to the caramel milk.
  5. Bring to boil while continuously stirring until the mass is creamy.
  6. Put cling film directly on the creme and set to cool.
  7. Shortly before serving add the whipped cream.